We’ve all been there — craving some takeout or decided to eat at a restaurant, but also trying to stay on track with your goals. The good news? You don’t have to choose between satisfying your cravings and keeping it healthy...

General Tips + Advice
Keep it simple: grilled meats and protein are your best options with simple sides like salad, veggies, and “clean” carbs, like potato, rice, quinoa, and beans.
Consider skipping creamy sauces and opting for lighter ones- such as olive oil based.
Opt for bunless burgers or sandwiches in lettuce wraps.
When You're Out for Breakfast/Brunch
A veggie packed omelette with light cheese and avocado! Add some extra protein like chicken sausage, bacon, or grilled chicken.
Split a sweeter breakfast item or take a couple bites after your protein!
Italian Restaurant - What To Order
Thin or gluten free pizza, light cheese, add veggie and protein
Grilled chicken with veggies and gluten free pasta or risotto

Mexican Restaurant - What To Order
Corn or flour tortilla with grilled fish, chicken, or shrimp
Fajitas with grilled chicken or steak and veggies
Japanese Restaurant - What To Order
Sushi with tuna, yellowtail, shrimp with white or brown rice
Edamame is the perfect snack to get at dinner
Chicken or beef teriyaki when you order proteins
Steakhouse - What To Order
Sirloin or filet is a leaner cut
When ordering your sides, ask for veggies and potatoes
Not Sure What You'll Be Eating At An Outing?...
Think protein first- this is going to give you the best bang for your buck
Chug water- hydrate as much as you can
Opt for veggies whenever possible
Skip sauces + condiments if necessary
Remember - one meal won't make you gain 10 lbs or ruin your progress!
Interested in more advice and recipes from me? Make sure you're subscribed to my FREE monthly email all about nutrition! Click below..
Looking to take things up a level...
and join my upcoming 6-Week fat loss program that has:
✔️ Personalized meal plans (hint: you should be eating more, not less)
✔️ Daily workouts (only 30 mins!) that give you results without the extra work
✔️ ME as your coach to keep you accountable and on track
This program is for you.. Click below.